If bloodletting, fasting and swilling rain water cannot cure gangrene, surgery is the only option.
Author: Terense Kemp
Top Three Marketing Take-Aways From the AOPA National Assembly
Mobile devices, social media and video were highlighted as key marketing elements.
Study: Veterans Who Receive Prosthesis Prescription Within 1 Year Post-amputation Have Lower Mortality Rates
Researchers emphasize importance of patient-centered care for improved outcomes.
Working With Charcot Foot
As the number of diabetes cases increases, so do those of diabetic neuropathy and Charcot foot.
O&P 175 Members Recognized at AOPA
O&P News has announced the creation of the O&P News 175 – an elite group of 175 professionals identified as leading innovators in the field of orthotics and prosthetics. The list recognizes movers and shakers impacting the profession through innovation,…
PHOTO FEATURE: American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly
Oct. 7-10, 2015 | San Antonio O&P professionals had many chances to partake in hands-on experiences throughout this year’s event. Many practitioners worked with 3-D printed prostheses for the first time during the event’s 3-D printing workshop, which allowed participants…
A Conversation With Robert S. Lin, MEd, CPO, FAAOP
In this issue, O&P News poses five questions to Robert S. Lin, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, director of Clinical Standards for Hanger Clinic. For nearly two decades, Lin served as the chief orthotist at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center while simultaneously holding…
Paralyzed Veterans of America announces Krauth Award recipient
Paralyzed Veterans of America recently announced it has awarded Lynnette Montgomery, PhD, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Louisville, with the 2015 Fritz Krauth Award. Through a postdoctoral scholarship from Paralyzed Veterans, Montgomery conducted a study on the use…
Algorithm that can ‘see’ intention could lead to improved prostheses
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have developed a mathematical algorithm that can “see” a user’s intention for movement, even if the movement is interrupted. The algorithm could lead to the development of “smart” prostheses for people with…
VIDEO CAF events provide community for amputees
SAN DIEGO — First time event attendee Chele Teabout enjoyed meeting other amputees and seeing them accomplish great things at The San Diego Triathlon Challenge hosted by the Challenged Athletes Foundation.