The Congress According to Dan Blocka

LEIPZIG – After more than 6 years of planning, what is expected to
be the largest O&P meeting to date, began here yesterday. The 13th
International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) World Congress
combined with the ORTHOPAEDIE + REHA-TECHNIK 2010 trade show, which kicks off
mid-week, is expected to bring together more international experts than ever
before, according to ISPO president, Dan Blocka, CO.

Before the Congress began, Blocka spoke to O&P Business News
about the global scope of the event.

“This [Congress] will have a high level of international input. It
brings in other industry people from emerging markets, so you get a real
mix,” Blocka told O&P Business News.

In terms of the program, Blocka said attendees can expect themes around
standards, education, evidence-based outcomes and technologies that are

“Three years as a president of ISPO … is a heavy load,”
Blocka said. “I’ve been involved in the profession in different areas
for a long time. There is one side of me that is happy to see all of my time
come to an end … to see the work we’ve done come to conclusion after
3 years and hopefully [be] carried on.”

Blocka used his position in the front-row of the international O&P
community to offer his thoughts on the future of the profession.

“I think globally, the acceleration of change that will come on us
in terms of how we practice, encompass new methods and technologies and keep
ourselves educated, will be the challenge ahead for the industry,” he
said. “I think that some of the things that will hit our field will blow
our minds. I don’t know if everyone realizes that yet.”

He also addressed the changes that will inevitably come in response to
changing health care.

“How do we implement things with health care funding and budgets
being pressured?” he asked. “How do we accomplish what’s
available with the resources that will reimburse us? That will be a huge
challenge. That being said, I think the next 10 years will be the most exciting
10 years in the profession.”

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