First-year O&P students from the University of Hartford gathered in front of student poster presentations.
Images: Carter SM and Houck K, O&P News.
From left: Robert V. Leimkuehler, CPO; Claudia Zacharias, MBA, CAE; Rick Fleetwood, MPA; and Michael Burton gathered in front of the O&P News booth.Jason Kroger demonstrates a shoe-tying technique with upper limb prostheses.Tony Culver stops by the O&P News booth for a snapshot and chat.O&P News captures Stephanie D. Langdon, CPO, FAAOP(D), a new O&P News 175 member. Jeffrey M. Brandt, CPO, takes a minute to talk to O&P News. From left: Jillian Elwart, CPO; Tyler Dunham, CPO; and Tyler Manee, CPO, display their 3-D printer in the exhibit hall. Orthotists, prosthetists and O&P professionals gather at the Women’s O&P Leadership Forum Luncheon.From left: Teri Kuffel, Esq.; Eileen Levis, HCA; and Betty Lepin pose for O&P News after the Women’s O&P Leadership Forum Luncheon.Brandon Burke hands off a football after being doused with water at the “It’s2Cool” dunk tank. Brooke Raasch, MA, poses for a picture at the O&P News booth. Michael Wininger, PhD, casts a big smile as he swings by the O&P News booth. Steve Hill, CO, BOCO, stops by the O&P News booth to talk about O&P. From left: Hugo Belzidsy and Oscar Felton display a novel prosthetic hand technology.