On July 31, O&P practitioners tuned in to a special Open Door Forum hosted by CMS to suggest clinical elements that should be included in the electronic clinical template for lower limb prosthesis. At the beginning of the forum, CMS…

Changes in foot pressure distribution in pre-obese patients can potentially identify patients who are predisposed to foot complications should they eventually develop diabetes, according to a study recently published in Foot. “A preliminary observation was done to see the effect…

After amputation, highly empathetic individuals may be predisposed to strengthening existing pathways between observed and felt touch, according to recent study results. “For most people, observing touch activates the somatosensory system and may lead to behavioral facilitation/interference of felt touch,…

Ret. Lance Cpl. Daniel Riley lost both legs while serving in Afghanistan, but rehabilitated through athletics with the help of the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

In patients with diabetes and foot ulcers or lower extremity amputations, geographic variations in Medicare spending and mortality rates were associated with regional differences in the use of inpatient services and the prevalence of macrovascular complications, according to study results…

Patients with excessive pronation and chronic foot pain experienced significant pain reduction when assigned to standard intervention, custom-made insole, exercise therapy or a combination of insole and exercise therapy, according to recently published study results. “There is a lack of…