Upper extremity amputees who used a prosthesis had poorer touch pressure sensibility in the residual limb compared with upper extremity amputees who did not use a prosthesis, according to recent study results. “In adults with acquired upper extremity amputations, it…

The late Carl Riecken tested parachutes during a Navy hitch in the 1950s. Back home in Evansville, Ind., he pursued a more down-to-earth career. Riecken, who passed away in 2006 at 74 years old, built on his family’s shoe repair…

Two new studies have shown positive outcomes for stroke survivors to regain upper extremity function. One study found no relationship between brain lesion volume and upper extremity impairment; the other study found stroke survivors can perform everyday tasks with the…

Transtibial amputees are commonly prescribed passive-dynamic prostheses fabricated with carbon fiber materials that store and return energy. The design of these devices aims to replicate the function of the natural ankle-foot system (NAFS) during steady state walking. However, a major…

Type 2 diabetes appears to be an independent predictor of increased risk for CHD in premenopausal women, according to findings presented at the American Heart Association High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions. Nestor H. Garcia, MD, PhD, and colleagues investigated…

Studies have shown that 52% of community-dwelling amputees will experience at least one fall within the first year of their amputation, and this risk may be amplified for bilateral amputees. “As I reviewed our laboratory videos of individuals walking with…