In addition to surgical and orthopedic treatment, revascularization therapy is necessary for patients with Charcot foot deformity affected by critical limb ischemia to avoid amputation, according to recent study results. Researchers collected and analyzed data from 10 patients with diabetes…

PEL Central Fabrication has become ProLab Central Fab. The change follows the sale of PEL Supply Company to PEL LLC. According to a press release, the new fabrication company will continue to be an independently owned and operated business entity.…

Calcium plus vitamin D supplements are often suggested for patients at risk for osteoporosis and in women undergoing breast cancer treatment, but a recent analysis published in Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology highlights the insignificant data behind this methodology. “We evaluated…

The US Preventive Services Task Force found that the current evidence on the use of the resting ankle-brachial index as a screening test for peripheral artery disease is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening, according…