CPI Launches Newly Designed Web Site

College Park Industries is proud to announce the launch of their newly designed Web site, offering clear navigation, easy to find product information and fun interactive tools.

“Amputees today are much more likely to do product research, so it was important to us to develop a Web site that not only caters to the practitioners, but provides appropriate information for the end-users of our products” Rebekah Cowells, marketing manager, College Park Industries, stated in a press release. “After much research and development, we have unveiled a Web site that features both comprehensive technical information as well as the type of accurate and straightforward information an amputee or caregiver would be looking for.”

Other highlights includes easy to find contact information for North American territory managers and international distributors, a robust Clinical Application Workshop information and registration page, and rotating up-to-date news and information on the home page.

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